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How to Boost your Dating Confidence

Men and Women: Want to up your dating game in 2020? Don't start chats with  'hey', go for long walks on the beach - The Economic Times

The most classic, useless dating advice of all time — which you’ve undoubtedly heard countless times is to just ‘be yourself’. This advice simply doesn’t work in the real world. In the cut-throat world of dating, you’ve got to generate an appealing prospect of yourself and create a powerful first impression. This can be hard if you don’t have any self-confidence or if you are new to the dating scene. But don’t worry, Unified Dating is here to help you shine! Read below for our tips on how to boost your dating confidence!

Push yourself 

The quickest road to growing in confidence is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Life is nice and easy when you don’t push yourself, but it doesn’t give you that incredible buzz that you get when you do! Pushing yourself when it comes to dating will be scary, yes, but when you begin to feel confidence during your date, you will begin to realise it’s all worth it! This tip is not just for dating, you should try and commit to doing something once a day that is out of your comfort zone. In time you will find your confidence will soar and you will thoroughly enjoy doing new and exciting things.

Fake it till you make it!

Any blog on boosting confidence for dating, will most likely mention this little gem – fake it till you make it. You don’t need to be at the top of your game before you go on a date, you can just give the illusion that you are. You may as well make sure you’re projecting the best version of you, whether it’s real or not. And the secret is, if you do it enough times, it becomes real, and you really do start to believe it yourself!

Let bad experiences go

Have you had bad dating experiences in the past? To be honest, most people probably have. But it’s what you do next that counts. You can either let those bad dating experiences go on to define your dating journey or you can shrug them off, put them behind you and move on! Learn from those bad experiences and keep a positive mindset that you will, before you know it, meet your match.


Are you someone that doesn’t stop talking? Well, this one’s for you! While your date may love to listen to you nattering on about your life, there’s a good chance they may be put off if you come across self-centred and a gossip. This may not be you at all, but sometimes in nerve-wracking situations, you may find yourself talking more than you normally do. Remember, that they are also in the same situation and they probably feel just as nervous as you!

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a big part of coming across confident. Confident people know the right questions to ask to allow the person they are talking to, to blossom and feel heard. A confident person knows it’s not about them, they can give the other person the floor and talk about themselves or whatever the topic of conversation is. 


Like everything, practise makes perfect! The only way to improve your dating skills and become more confident on dates, is simply to go out on dates. Keep putting yourself out there and don’t give up – your prince charming could be just around the corner! As you go on more dates, you’ll find you start to take it in your stride, you’ll become an old-hand at it. Your confidence will start to soar.

If you are looking to get some dating practise and learn how to boost your confidence when meeting new people, Unified Dating’s speed dating events may be just for you! Our online events are designed to make you feel relaxed and safe, at the comfort of your home. Speed dating is a great way to meet lots of different people, in a short but intimate setting. If you don’t connect with someone, you simply move on to the next person and you don’t need to worry about seeing them again! Or if you have embarrassed yourself!