Should you move to a new town, county or even a new country, for the sake of a relationship? Keep reading to find out whether you should relocate for a relationship!
While long distance relationships are possible, most people would prefer to live close to one another. Or together!
However, relocating somewhere new is a big decision and you need to consider what you’re moving for and what you’ll be giving up. Below are Unified Dating’s suggestions to help you further decide whether relocating is a good idea!
How far will you be moving?
There’s a massive difference between moving to a new town a few miles away and moving half-way across the world!
Moving further away means moving further away from home – which could make keeping contact with friends and relatives harder. There will also be greater cultural changes the further you move away.
Generally, you shouldn’t move too far away unless you really know a person, which leads to the next point…
How well do you know each other?
You should never relocate far away to be someone you barely know. If you’ve only talked online, go take the step to meet in person first. Ideally for over a month so that you can really get to know them. Wait to get to know your partner better before deciding whether you should relocate for a relationship!
If you’re already in a long and steady relationship and you’re currently living together, relocating together is not so much of a leap. And won’t feel as scary either.
If you know your partner inside-out and feel that this is causing things to get stale, moving away together could in fact be just what is needed to spice things up! It could even be a way of learning more about each other so that you can keep building on your relationship.
Are there any deal breakers in the relationship?
If you’re making any huge life decision together, you should be at the point in your relationship that there are no deal breakers.
This means that no amount of dirty towels on the floor, messy dishes in the sink, or future fights would be enough to break you up. You’ve seen each other at your worst, yet you still feel fully committed to each other!
This is why we would recommend living with your partner for a while before relocating with them.
Is it a temporary or permanent move?
You should consider whether it’s likely to be a temporary move or a permanent move.
If your partner wants to move away for a few months for a work project or to look after a sick relative, you may have the option to stay at home and maintain a long-distance relationship. Alternatively, it could be exciting to move away for a few months without the worry of a permanent move (of course only if you work from home or your boss is okay with it!).
Are you both in a good financial situation?
This is one of the most important aspects of the topic. Unfortunately money is always a main issue so whether you should relocate for a relationship or not, really does depend if you can afford it.
Strategize your own financial situation, and since moving is expensive, figure out if you can comfortably afford it on your own. You should then have a discussion with your partner about their finances. What if you don’t find a job for six months or even a year, can they cover the whole rent? And what about groceries and so on…
Would you enjoy living in the city you’re moving to?
Can you see your new town or city as your home?
You should think of all the factors that go into the new place you’ll be living. It’s likely you will be far away from your family and friends.
Yes, a relationship requires sacrifice at times, but if you are never going to feel completely happy and at home in your new place, then you and your partner should make a compromise to find a city you both can live in.
If things don’t work out, what’s your backup plan?
And finally… the question that you don’t want to think about. What happens if you break up?
Even if there are no more deal breakers and your relationship is serious, the logical thinker knows there is always the chance it might not work out.
You should always have a backup plan, or at least think about what you would do if you and your partner broke up.
Would you keep the job you get and continue pursuing your career in the city you moved to, or would you quit and move back home? Make sure you have a plan you feel comfortable with before you make the move.
And it’s perfectly okay to change your mind/ back up plan at a later date!
Whether you should relocate for a relationship or not, if completely up to you and whether you feel comfortable doing so. Just make sure to think through our suggestions before taking a massive leap!