Habit. We all know the word, but what does it really mean and why are habits important? Habits are one of the fundamental components of living your best life. Good habits can foster a positive mindset and can be the key to understanding how to change something in your life, both physically and mentally. Harnessing new habits fro positive change is completely possible! Continue reading this article for top tips for harnessing new habits.
Every day, habit drives us to do what we do. Whether it’s a pattern of thoughts or behaviour. But how can you harness the power of your habits for the better?
When you have a foundation of good habits, you’re setting yourself up for a full, healthy, and successful life.
Here are Unified Dating’s steps to changing your habits that really can change your life.
Identify your Key Habit and focus on it.
The key habit is different for everyone, and it may take a few sessions of deep thinking to pinpoint exactly what that habit is. Whichever habit you’re working on, pick one at a time. More than one at a time will be overwhelming and will increase your likelihood of failing to improve any habits. Identify your current routine and the reward you get from it.
Take time to identify you’re your routine – the good parts, and bad. It’s important to understand what you are currently doing wrong. But it’s equally important to reward yourself for the good habits you have adopted in your daily routine.
Consider the challenges.
Challenges are often cues that push you to fall back into old habits. These challenges will not magically disappear, so you need to take them into account. Before you start your new habit so that you are 100% prepared beforehand
Don’t let the presence of challenges or worry that new challenges will come up in the future. This may stop you from establishing your new habits.
Plan your new routine and pinpoint the reward.
Old habits never disappear; they are simply replaced with new habits. In the example of getting to the office earlier, the new routine involves leaving the house a half hour earlier.
Set up a 30-day challenge.
Many studies show that habits, when performed daily, can become part of your routine in as little as 21 days. So set a start date and launch your plan of action for a trial 30-day period. You can plan your reward for each 30 days until it becomes second nature.
Power through any setbacks.
Sometimes life can just get in the way of new goals. If something sways you from your challenge, the best course of action is to evaluate the situation and see how you can get around, over, or through that obstacle.
Hold yourself publicly accountable.
Your support network is the most valuable tool you will ever have access to.
Make sure the people around you are aware of your challenge. As well as a great support system, it will make you more likely to achieve your habit.
Why not ask a friend to act as your personal mentor?! They can check you are executing the habit, especially during the critical first 30 days!
Harnessing new habits for positive change will help you become a better person and can even help your relationships!
Summer Date Ideas in London

It doesn’t matter if you’re meeting someone for the first time or have been married for years, we should all go on more dates, right?! Dating allows you to spend precious time with your other half and get to know someone And while a cosy night on the sofa is perfectly fine some evenings, sometimes we have to get out and try new things. Keep reading for Unified Dating’s top summer date ideas in London!
We all want to show our dates our best side: spontaneous, fun to be with and creative! So why not be the one to come up with a great date idea?
In crazy and hectic city like London, picking the right activity for your date can be daunting. Which is why we have complied out favourite things to do on a date in London. Some are unusual and quirky, and others just romantic classics. Impress your date with your dance moves at the roller disco or escape to fantastic worlds with a VR experience, it’s time to sort the next date night.
Coronavirus and the lockdown might have kept us inside for longer than some have hoped, but the urge to do things has only gotten stronger. And now with the restrictions all lifted (hopefully permanently!), plus the amazing weather, we all need to make the most out of it and get back in the swing of date nights!
Kayak to CRATE Brewery.
Paddle through London’s oldest canal from Limehouse to Crate Brewery’s bar on the water’s edge in Hackney Wick. A true urban adventure.
Although remember to bring some waterproof clothes for this adventure in case you get splashed along the way!
Go on a Picnic.
Stock a Picnic Basket at one of London’s food markets and then go on a picnic! This is a great opportunity to learn about each other’s food preferences and tastes. And it also offers many of conversation starters when you are strolling around your chosen food market!
Chat over a world-class coffee.
If there’s one thing London knows how to do, it’s a delicious cup of coffee. And having a chilled chat over a latte is a great relaxed option for a first date. Pus, it doesn’t have to be too long. Some of our favourites include Monmouth Coffee Company and Ozone Coffee.
Soak In Atmospheric, Candlelit Baths.
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to bathe the outside of your body in red wine, then we’ve got good news for you.
Because AIRE Ancient Baths has come to London.
Next-Level Gaming Bar.
Platform in Shoreditch is London’s first dedicated video game and e-sports bar and restaurant. It is the perfect spot for a quirky date! Even if you are not a gamer! Promising fun activities, great pizza and a bar loaded with drinks, it’s a sure winner.
Try your hands at a Pottery Class
Now for something completely different. There’s something of a pottery craze sweeping the capital this summer. Perhaps as a push to be more sustainable means we want more handmade, unique, less mass-produced items in our homes.
But be ready to get a little messy!
Retro Arcading.
Mix up your date night with Queens. Not only can you have a romantic meal of MEATliquor food and coctials, but you can also challenge your date to a game of bowling or an arcade game!
Head to a rooftop venue for the great views.
Nothing says ‘romantic date’ like a rooftop bar or restaurant with sprawling views over the city. Take your pick from the hundreds, probably thousands of rooftop bars in London.
Have some laughs at comedy night.
Laughter is key for a good first date, so why not book in to one of the capital’s excellent comedy nights?
For example, Comedy Fridays at Boulevard Theatre alternate between female-led improv ‘The Yes Queens’ and ‘unruly mixed bill comedy’ in the Late Night Scene.
Have an unusual film experience at Backyard Cinema.
Backyard Cinema specialises in experiential film screenings in quirky settings. We’re talking about sitting down to watch Romeo and Juliet (1996) in Highbury’s Union Chapel, decorated with neon crucifixes, enjoying its soundtrack backed by a live choir. Perfect, right?!
There are plenty of Summer Date Ideas in London to choose from! Comment below if you have any other recommendations!