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Habit. We all know the word, but what does it really mean and why are habits important? Habits are one of the fundamental components of living your best life. Good habits can foster a positive mindset and can be the key to understanding how to change something in your life, both physically and mentally. Harnessing new habits fro positive change is completely possible! Continue reading this article for top tips for harnessing new habits. 

Every day, habit drives us to do what we do. Whether it’s a pattern of thoughts or behaviour. But how can you harness the power of your habits for the better? 

When you have a foundation of good habits, you’re setting yourself up for a full, healthy, and successful life.

Here are Unified Dating’s steps to changing your habits that really can change your life.

Identify your Key Habit and focus on it.

The key habit is different for everyone, and it may take a few sessions of deep thinking to pinpoint exactly what that habit is. Whichever habit you’re working on, pick one at a time. More than one at a time will be overwhelming and will increase your likelihood of failing to improve any habits. Identify your current routine and the reward you get from it.

Take time to identify you’re your routine – the good parts, and bad. It’s important to understand what you are currently doing wrong. But it’s equally important to reward yourself for the good habits you have adopted in your daily routine.

Consider the challenges.

Challenges are often cues that push you to fall back into old habits. These challenges will not magically disappear, so you need to take them into account. Before you start your new habit so that you are 100% prepared beforehand

Don’t let the presence of challenges or worry that new challenges will come up in the future. This may stop you from establishing your new habits.

Plan your new routine and pinpoint the reward.

Old habits never disappear; they are simply replaced with new habits. In the example of getting to the office earlier, the new routine involves leaving the house a half hour earlier. 

Set up a 30-day challenge.

Many studies show that habits, when performed daily, can become part of your routine in as  little as 21 days. So set a start date and launch your plan of action for a trial 30-day period. You can plan your reward for each 30 days until it becomes second nature.

Power through any setbacks.

Sometimes life can just get in the way of new goals. If something sways you from your challenge, the best course of action is to evaluate the situation and see how you can get around, over, or through that obstacle. 

Hold yourself publicly accountable.

Your support network is the most valuable tool you will ever have access to.

Make sure the people around you are aware of your challenge. As well as a great support system, it will make you more likely to achieve your habit. 

Why not ask a friend to act as your personal mentor?! They can check you are executing the habit, especially during the critical first 30 days!

Harnessing new habits for positive change will help you become a better person and can even help your relationships!